Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good Lord look at this Monster Croc !!!!!

Monster Croc look at the
size of the bastard!
Monster croc ... The 6.5m saltwater crocodile caught
near Borroloola Australia

THIS monster 6.5m croc had to be killed by locals in a remote Northern Territory community because it was killing their cattle.

Jeida Francis, 23, said it was caught in Manangoora, an outstation near Borroloola, south-east of Darwin, The Northern Territory News reports.

The animal, pictured, was caught in the mid 1990s, and another like it has also since been killed. However, locals believe there is at least one more still on the loose.

"It was massive. There were three huge ones out there. One of them is still out there at the moment," Mr Francis said.

"It is pretty well fed," he said of the dead saltie. "It took two LandCruisers to pull it out. They have one croc that is still out there. He should be getting to this size by now."

Mr Francis said he spent his childhood growing up with the predators.

"We used to get dugong bones to feed them, to keep them from feeding on our goats ... this one was getting too nasty and too close. It was attacking our cattle."

1 comment:

  1. Looks to me that it has been dead for sometime; hence the bloating. Saltys may be huge, but they are in perfect proportion. This one looks so swollen that even it's head is is so out of proportion and it's nose isn't on the ground either.
